Since late last year, I have been collaborating on two very exciting projects regarding the feasibility of applications for Web3 technologies as part of the University of California Big Ideas contest.
The first of these is the NFT Inclusion Project, alongside my previous co-founder of CAL Social, Tara Margulies. We performed research to quantify the participation gap experienced by non-male and minority communities in the NFT space, alongside proposing a marketplace design to cater to this presently-excluded audience. We were delighted to win the Blockchain for Social Good honorable mention prize, sponsored by Binance, alongside a monetary award to progress this project.
Secondly, I worked with PhD candidate and fellow School of Information student Ando Shah on the concept of using Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) for more accurate pricing in carbon markets. The research, led by Ando, examined a system design that would ingest data from real-time Oracles, verify them using Blockchain technology, and then provide climate stakeholders with a DAO creation tool to set their own pricing parameters for an Integrated Asset Model (IAM). We were awarded the Binance LIFT prize, and invited to pitch the idea at the Big Ideas Grand Prize Pitch Day in May 2022.
Please reach out here if you’re interested in reading the whitepaper or collaborating on either project.