Online abuse, including trolling, is becoming an increasingly prevalent issue in modern day society. Women, in particular, face a higher threat of becoming the recipient of online harassment, with examples widely reported in recent literature across blogging [1], politics [2], journalism [3] and multiple other fields. This study, conducted through the School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley, will involve remotely interviewing 5 self-identifying women with the goal of understanding their experiences of online abuse.
Talking start-ups at the Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing
It is always a pleasure to re-connect with the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), University of Cambridge, of which I have been an alumni since 2016. Head of Department & my former course lead, Professor Tim Minshall, invited a handful of alumni back to talk about their experiences across multiple industries, and I was excited to be able to talk about my experience of creating, building and operating within start up companies.
Winning the US-UK Fulbright Scholarship for Data Analytics
From being told I only got my first job in engineering because I was a woman, to starting a Postgraduate degree … as a Fulbright Scholar!
I'm hugely grateful & honoured to announce that I've received this year's Elsevier US-UK Fulbright Commission Award for Data Analytics, ahead of attending the UC Berkeley School of Information this fall.
After starting my journey as an Engineer almost a decade ago, studying at the Cambridge Engineering Department & Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), University of Cambridge, before working at McLaren Applied, starting two businesses and joining Anmut, I'm excited for my next chapter exploring how Artificial Intelligence can revolutionise our approach to global engineering challenges and bring social good.
'Big Data' Machine Learning using Spark & Azure with the Women in Data Initiative
As a Data Scientist, I fall directly into the category of programmer who, at least once a week, uses the phrase ‘sure, but…. I’m not a Data Engineer’. Back in the days in which CSVs, Jupyter notebooks and ‘Titanic’ style datasets from Kaggle were enough to satisfy Data Science needs, this response was pretty valid. Sure enough, this basic stack proved totally sufficient with which to do some pretty exciting Machine Learning and analysis.
Data Protection in Social Media: the TikTok Data Request
Recently, I received a notification in my TikTok app saying that my data request had been successful and that I could now download my personal file. I’m a regular user, and as a Data Scientist, I’m always eager to grasp any opportunity to better understand my own data footprint. Even knowing what I know about online data collection and how powerful this can be in empowering better products, services and opportunities for users, I still tend to feel a little uncomfortable at the sheer volume of what’s returned.